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Vaginismus and the Pelvic Floor: How to Better help Patients with this Condition


This week, we’re talking about vaginismus and why you should consider the pelvic floor muscles.


If you ever wondered, “What is vaginismus exactly???” 


Here’s your answer! When patients have vaginismus, muscles around the introitus tighten in response to attempted or actual insertion. Patients suffering from vaginismus will describe that when the introitus is touched they feel extreme burning, pain.


More info we cover in this weeks video: 


  The relationship between vaginismus & hypertonic pelvic floor muscles  

  How and why to perform a bulbospongiosus release


🚨 Dilators can be a great option for patients with vaginismus.
Get our free guide for dilator best practices here:


Practitioners- what are your top challenges treating patients suffering from this condition? Tell us in the comments section below so we can help!


Plus, make sure to follow along on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for more tips and inspiration: 


 Instagram: https://instagram.com/instituteforpelvichealth

Facebook: https://facebook.com/instituteforpelvichealth

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/institute-for-pelvic-health

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVH9Cd-W5YPHoz4cFGZQ3Xw


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